Living Every Breath of Your Life Smoke-Free

It has been more than 4 decades ago since smoking was proven to cause lung cancer and other serious diseases. Almost at the same time, the negative perception that second hand smoke can cause serious disease and premature death in both adults and children have been confirmed. Thanks to the report of the United States … Read more

Bad Effects of Smoking

The effects of smoking cigarettes seem fairly harmless at first. A lot of people see no reason not to try it for a little while, maybe just for a year, when you’re young or at work to fit in. The problem with smoking is that it slowly creeps its way into, not only your life, … Read more

Deadly Side Effects Of Smoking

Smoking is a habit that has become highly popular, and most people know how bad it is for their health, but do nothing to quit smoking.  There are so many different areas in health that can be affected in short term and long term from smoking.  Understanding and learning what can happen to you and … Read more

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