Quit Smoking New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Resolution and giving up smoking time is here; and a New Year’s Resolution to stop smoking cigarettes is one of the top ten new years resolutions made (and broken) every year. You can keep this New Year’s resolution to quit smoking, though, thanks to Sharon and Dave at Hypnosis To Quit Cigarettes Perth. Their revolutionary quit Cigarettes In 60 Minutes quit smoking program is creating success for smokers in finally giving up smoking cigarettes forever!

Giving up smoking isn’t always easy, and the the statistics of new year’s resolutions actually being kept are quite overwhelming. You don’t have to be a part of the failing group, though! You can start right now to make sure you keep your New Year’s resolution to stop smoking – even if you’ve neglected a highly recommended goal setting process. You already know that cigarettes are going to kill you, but – even though you’re New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking – you’re having cold feet now that the day is approaching.

The honest truth is: If you haven’t invested any time or energy into setting goals and identifying your reasons for wanting to become a non smoker, you’ve not done a lot in the way of guaranteeing a successful break from cigarettes. There is still hope, though! You can replace your tobacco habit with a feeling of success and achievement, breathing fresh air for the rest of your life, when you visit our Joondalup or Fremantle office to quit smoking.

To get you started in the right direction of a new way of thinking, grab a pen and paper right now and do yourself a favor…

Think about your daily habitual smoking behavior and consider how it repeats itself on a consistent basis. Sure there are possibly deeply rooted underlying feelings that control your habit, but that comes later. For now, just look at your smoking habit as a 24 hour process before you break it down even further hour by hour, so you can begin to create a daily quit smoking plan to keep your new years resolution of giving up smoking.

Make 3 columns: When I smoke, why I smoke, what else I could do. Start from the time you get up or wake up. Think about the various things you could do in the morning besides reach for your cigarettes. As your day progresses, consider all the times you light up. In your list of why’s, try to get creative. Instead of convincing yourself there’s nothing more going on than you simply want to smoke, analyze each time of the day. Think about your various cigarette smoking triggers like paying bills, watching television, breaking at work, eating a meal, dealing with personality conflict, etc.

Don’t worry about how it sounds or if you can’t get too deep, this is just the beginning. Taking your goals to pen and paper puts them in another light and allows you to examine them differently. But dont worry, we do take you through a similar process when you attend one of our offices to quit smoking using our program. Identifying your triggers and your reasons to change is extremely powerful anytime you want to change any habit or behaviour.

After you create your rough draft contrary actions worksheet, make a list of the reasons you need to stop smoking and have chosen giving up cigarettes as your New Year’s resolution. On the days that follow,  modify your plan as each craving to smoke arises throughout the day, not only questioning your need to smoke a cigarette, but also coming up with positive contrary actions you could take to assist your efforts to break the habit.

If your New Year’s resolution is to stop smoking, there are more tools than ever to help you keep your resolution to quit smoking this New Year! Make this year be the year that your new years resolution to give up smoking is in the percentile of kept New Year’s resolutions.

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